The following software is needed by the various TMML tools:
- Tcl version 8.2 or later.
- Many of the translations scripts
also use the cmdline package from
- tDOM, version 0.7test or later.
- James Clark's NSGMLS parser
Not strictly necessary, but I like to validate the results at
each step of translation.
- The TclDOM package from Steve Ball of Zveno.
This is only used by the NROFF-to-TMML up-converter.
The following packages will also work in place of tDOM:
- TclXML package..
This can be used by the TMML-to-NROFF down-converter.
- The excellent
SAXON XSLT Processor from Michael Kay of ICL.
This is used to convert TMML to HTML.
(Various other XSLT processors should also work,
but the keyword index and alphabetical index
can take advantage of certain SAXON extensions.)
- The GNOME project's xsltproc.
Tcl-XML and Tcl-DOM are both included in the ActiveTcl 8.3.4 distribution.
xsltproc is available in most recent Linux distributions.
TMML Package
- The most up-to-date version can be checked out of SourceForge CVS.
- The latest official TMML release can be found on the
SourceForge release area.
At present, there are no official releases, so use CVS.
There isn't much to install -- just extract the tar file
or check a copy out of CVS and use the scripts and DTD in place.
The only extra step is to create a shell script to invoke
the tmml.tcl utility and put it somewhere in your $PATH:
exec tclsh /path/to/tmml/tools/tmml.tcl "$@"