cksum -
Calculate a cksum(1) compatible checksum
package require Tcl 8.2
package require cksum ? 1.1.3 ?
::crc::cksum ? -format format ? ? -chunksize size ? [ -channel chan | -filename file | string ]
::crc::CksumUpdate token data
::crc::CksumFinal token
This package provides a Tcl implementation of the cksum(1) algorithm
based upon information provided at in the GNU implementation of this
program as part of the GNU Textutils 2.0 package.
::crc::cksum ? -format format ? ? -chunksize size ? [ -channel chan | -filename file | string ]
The command takes string data or a channel or file name and returns a
checksum value calculated using the cksum(1) algorithm. The
result is formatted using the format(n) specifier provided or as
an unsigned integer (%u) by default.
- -channel name
Return a checksum for the data read from a channel. The command will
read data from the channel until the eof is true. If you need
to be able to process events during this calculation see the
- -filename name
This is a convenience option that opens the specified file, sets the
encoding to binary and then acts as if the -channel option had
been used. The file is closed on completion.
- -format string
Return the checksum using an alternative format template.
The cksum package implements the checksum using a context variable to
which additional data can be added at any time. This is expecially
useful in an event based environment such as a Tk application or a web
server package. Data to be checksummed may be handled incrementally
during a
fileevent handler in discrete chunks. This can improve
the interactive nature of a GUI application and can help to avoid
excessive memory consumption.
Begins a new cksum context. Returns a token ID that must be used for the
remaining functions. An optional seed may be specified if required.
::crc::CksumUpdate token data
Add data to the checksum identified by token. Calling
CksumUpdate $token "abcd" is equivalent to calling
CksumUpdate $token "ab" followed by
CksumUpdate $token "cb". See EXAMPLES.
::crc::CksumFinal token
Returns the checksum value and releases any resources held by this
token. Once this command completes the token will be invalid. The
result is a 32 bit integer value.
% crc::cksum "Hello, World!"
% crc::cksum -format 0x%X "Hello, World!"
% crc::cksum -file cksum.tcl
% set tok [crc::CksumInit]
% crc::CksumUpdate $tok "Hello, "
% crc::CksumUpdate $tok "World!"
% crc::CksumFinal $tok
Pat Thoyts
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain
bugs and other problems.
Please report such in the category
crc of the
Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either
package and/or documentation.
sum(n), crc32(n)
cksum, checksum, crc, crc32, cyclic redundancy check, data integrity, security